Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Indiana Jones is a definitly a movie that set the bar much higher for movie that were coming out after it. It did something previous movies didnt do. It was a non-stop action with comedy added in. I feel that other movies with a main action hero, like James Bond, imitated the style of movie by adding more explosives but still throwing in a funny line or two. When we saw the list of movie heros I didnt think Indiana Jones should have been number 2 but after seeing the movie it was pretty easy to understand why. Jones was constantly saving the girl, facing his fear of snakes, and always to do what was best for the artifacts he uncovered.

Last week I said that Good Will Hunting had a bad ending but Raiders of the Lost Ark had a cheesy ending. I couldnt stand the part when Bellog opened the Ark and all the 'ghosts' came out and melted everyones face. Then not only did the faces melt but instead of having the research it all it showed was them putting the ark in a crate and storing it in a big warehouse. Im about 99.9% sure that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg could have came up with a better ending then that.

The first arcitle I read was the review by Roger Ebert. After reading it you really learn Steven Spielberg feeling toward the Nazi's and how he portrayed it in the movie. He also makes it seem that Indiana is the ultimate man, when he deals with spiders, snakes, booby traps, and a big rock. I really liked how he finally described Jones as "dry, fearless, and as indestructible as a cartoon coyote." He made it sound like Raiders of the Lost Ark is a must see the way he emphazied all the action.

The second atrile I read was "Real Archaeologists Wear Whips." This article was quick and to the point. It talks about Jones as being the smart, fearless guy whos just out there for the museum. I liked how it said hes out there going through all the action and danger but he never, ever loses his hat.

The last article I read was "Masquerader of the Lost Ark." This was a real intersting article. Vendyl Jones really think that he is the inspiration for the Indiana Jones movies. I enjoyed how Vendyl said that the got Indiana from taking the "V" and the "L" out of his name to leave "endy." Vendyl even goes as far as to say that the movies dont hold a candle to his adventures. He goes into saying he has major finds including a two thousand year of juglet of oil mentioned in the copper scrolls. I think this guy might be slightly nuts when he started talking about the "greatest hoax of mankind" the conspiracy of Christianity over Judaism and that the New Testament is a fraud. He talked a lot about how Lucas and Spielberg stole the story from Filmore, a writer for Vendyl, after he took it to hollywood. Im pretty sure if this guy did everything he said he did that all the people in his crews and his friends who knew what he was doing would have made it more public. Vendyl even talks about how he isnt had because this is helping to get more knowledge out about this stuff. All in all the article was pretty interesting. If what the guy says is true hes found some important things. It was worth the read I think.

Overall this is a good movie. It was really a trail blazer for later action movie. One of my favorite parts would have to have been at the beginning when Jones is running from the tribe and they are throwing spears and darts at him and he dives into the water and swims to the plane so jus twhen you think the action is settling down he finds a snake in his seat and we realize his hatred for them. The worst part in the movie is still the entire ending. The only movie with we've watched that had an ending that has an ending where we find out how all the loose ends tie up on is 'On the Waterfront.'

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