Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hotel Rwanda

1. The genocides in Hotel Rwanda were between two groups lived in the same city but had different views on the other group. Even though the two groups are at war with each other we have to realize that not all people of one group are bad. Even though Paul was a Tutsi there were a few Hutu people that helped him to supply food for a price, but they did help him. I think that we have to look at all the people as individuals and not as a group because thats just pushed the hatred more and could lead to violence. Just because some people are born under one 'sign' doesnt mean that they dont want to live in peace with a different group.

2. A big event that has affected us would be the war in Iraq. The media protrays it as the whole country is evil but im sure that not everyone there wants to be living there at all. I would say that the most emotional and vivid one would be the news clips where it shows hostages over there. They are fighting for our country when they are caputred and then abused and killed over there. After the movie it makes one think about the strugles going on in their country also but its tough to feel sorry for them after what happened during 9/11 and other events.

3. I think that the director has to keep it close to the truth because if he goes to far off the truth people will just disregard the movie and not accept it for whats it worth. Im sure a few parts had to be changed to make it work with the story line in the movie but Im guessing he kept it close to the truth.

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