Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Good Will Hunting

Good Will Hunting would have to be one of my favorite movie now. Going into it I was skeptical on how good it was going to be. It has some action in it with the fighting but it isn't Vin Desial crazy so it still has a great plot. Its seems crazy that Matt Damon starting writing this in college for a class because it seems that a writer with many movies under his belt would have came up with this. I had a love-hate feeling about the end of the movie. I absolutely hated it because we never get to find out what happens to Skylar and him; if she takes him back out not after how he treated her. On the other hand though I loved the ending because Will finally accepted who he was, got rid of his anger, realized the gifts he has and is finally ready for the world. Sean was the only shrink who got through to will because he was the only one who actually cared about him. He didn't go in trying to pick will apart but waited for Will to talk so if it meant sitting in silence for an hour he would. Chuckie also had a memorable part that helped to push Will to get out and do something with his talents when he told him that he owes it to him to get out and do something with his life and that his greatest day will be when he come to pick him up and Will wont be there. Will will just leave without saying goodbye or anything.
The first article I read was 'Too smart for their own good.' This article was about how the extremely smart people have trouble fitting into society, in a movie and TV scean. It tells about how ordinary people enjoy watching the 'mastermind' of entertainment, with some examples being Rain Man and Monk. The author refers to Will as a 'genius janitor that can humiliate MIT professors, but he's as grown up as the average schoolyard bully.' This article also talks about how smart kids are pushed to hard and then are robbed of their childhood. The line I really picked out of this was 'So we end up wanting smart, but not necessarily wise, children.' The author pushes to let kids enjoy their childhood.
The next article I looked at was 'Two thumbs up, five stars, and an Oscar. I didn't find this article as good as the first one. I think the author just relates the movie themes to real life to much and doesn't review the movie that much. He talks about the social and emotional aspects of the gifted and the problems they face.
The last article I looked at was 'Coming of Age in American Films and Novels.' This article wasn't to bad. It seemed to break the movie down some. He says that Good Will Hunting is a film version of the books 'The Catcher in the Rye' and Portnoys Complaint.' He goes into breaking down the characters and giving a few examples of what they did. I didn't feel that he criticized the movie but rather compared it to the two books.
The movie themes that people should get out of it. You cant make someone do something that they don't want, such as Will following the Professors dream and doing math his whole life. Adding onto the last one; you cant make someone do something but you can talk to them normally about it, like Sean did to Will. He actually made a friendship with Will and helped him to realize his gift and what he was capable of but Sean never made Will do anything he didn't want to. Sean also helped Will to forgive his past by making him realize that all the abuse and bad times were not his fault and he didn't do anything to deserve it.
In a way Will had a terrible life being abused as a child but as he got older his life improved and he was able to find a group of friends that cared for him and stuck with him. Its tough to say what would have been a worse life though; being abused when he was young but then getting friends and being able to go out and have a good time or being pushed to learn more and more as a child and not having an enjoyable childhood. All of the character in the movie contributed to Will finally going and using his talent for good. The Professor found that he was a genius and got him moving, Sean helped to get Will to forgive his past and motivated him, his friends helped to make him realize not everyone is gifted like him and they would give anything for what he had, and Skylar showed him what love is. Overall I think this is one of the better moives Ive ever seen and its one I would recommend.

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