Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Full Monty

The Full Monty wasnt a bad movie but its one that I probably will never watch again. I was impressed with Dave (Mark Addy). Im used to seeing him in Still Standing so watching him play a movie where he has an accent was different altought I thought he did a good job with it. The movie takes place in Sheffield where they think that they wil be able to work on the steel mills until they have to retire but then it shows the mill close and now Dave and Gaz are out of work. In the next scene we see them walking home and they read a sign of male strippers and Gaz gets a plan to make some quick money. Gaz wants a make money fast because his wife is going to take full custody of there son unless he can come up with child support. After Gaz makes this plan he goes onto recruting for it. He starts to recruit other guys from the mill who cant find jobs either. The main guy they try to recruit is Gerald but he is very reluctant at first but he finally gives in. They really want him because Dave and Gaz spotted him taking dancing lessons and they need him to teach them the dance moves they are to perform. After getting Gerald they continue to recruit by having the other guys try out in the warehouse. Once they have a group Gerald starts to teach them the routine. After they had been practicing for a while a cop waling by hears the music and comes to investigate. As soon as he walks in he sees the guys dancing and arrests them all. I thought it was funny after that when Lomper went to his band practice and the band starts to play the song they were dancing to. After they get busted the crew kind of falls apart for a while but once they find out how many tickets they sold they regroup and get ready for the performance. Dave backs out because he doesnt think that anyone will like him up there becuase he is overweight but his wife talks him back into it and he helps to save the show by urging Gaz to perform along with the help of Gaz's son, Nathan. At the end of their performance they live up to the movies title and go "Full Monty." Over all it was an alright movie. It was kind of hard to understand the actors a few times because of the accents they used.